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Thursday, 15 August 2019

Here's the thing, creativity actually boosts your health!

Here's the thing, creativity actually boosts your health!

Researchers in recent times have confirmed what we all probably knew deep down - creativity is essential to our wellbeing. 

For your own monthly creative subscription box click here. Read all about the benefits of making time for creativity below...

Getting creative actually 

1. Increases Happiness 

Well, we all know how happy we feel felting away with some beautiful wool but why is this?? There is a place you reach when you are absorbed in your work, when you loose all sense of self and time. It is called 'the flow' and is scientifically proven to reduce anxiety and stress. You might notice your heart rate slowing and your mood lifting. Powerful stuff! You don't have to be 'in the flow' to reap the benefits - repetitive motions, like felting or drawing are incredibly calming and rewarding and lead to a release of the chemical dopamine which is as feel good as chemicals get! 

2. Reduces Dementia

Creativity is a powerful thing. The world of dementia can be a very frightening one but creativity reduces isolation and depression and can help people with dementia sharpen their senses and get a sense of themselves back

3. Improves Mental Health

Creativity is akin to meditation. Focusing on creating helps focus the mind and creates a calming, meditative effect on the brain and body. The release of dopamine is also a natural anti-depressant. Creativity can also be a communal task and when people get together to craft and create it's even better for your mental wellbeing. Writing, painting, drawing, felting or any other creative endeavour can help people manage their feelings and express painful or difficult experiences. Creativity truly is a magical thing. 

4. Boots Your Immune System

Yes, it does, it actually boosts your immune system! Experts are still trying to identify exactly why but creativity increases your CD4+ lymphocyte count which is the key to your immune system.

5. Makes You Smarter.

The majority of the research in this field is about music, how people who play instruments have a better connection between their left and right brains, improving cognitive function.  I don't know about you but enjoy listening to music as a I create and felt and I will always make sure it's on in the background now. 
Aren't we lucky, the things we love to do not make us feel good (see that dopamine rush) but are genuinely good for us. So, let's get creative, go grab your wool, your needle, your inks, your paints or whatever you decide you need, it’s time to start getting creative and improve our wellbeing!

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