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Monday, 22 June 2020

Michelle from Furzie about Needle Felting

If you missed my last newsletter, here is what the fabulous Michelle from Furzie has to say..!

1. What are your favourite needles to use?

38 star are my favourite, they suit the wool I like to use. I don’t believe you need lots of different sizes unless you are using something like Merino, which is more challenging to work with and shows the needle holes.

2. What is your favourite type of wool to work with?

Probably whatever I happen to be working with: I use Corriedale for my classes, but also Bergschaf, Gotland, Shetland, Jacob etc. - carded slivers or batts with short crimpy fibres. Not to sound too fetishist but I like my wool to smell clean but still ‘Overtly Sheepy’ (Chanel take note!) I also love experimenting with tops, locks, Tussah silk and other fibres added as long fur or texture.

3. What is the worst piece of  advice you keep hearing for needle felters?

I can’t recall hearing anything really bad, but I do believe that everyone felts differently – it is really about finding your own way of working.

4. What common mistakes do people make when they start out?

Getting carried away and felting too hard, going too fast and thinking that if you felt hard enough you can make the lumps go away. Then again - you can also felt too loosely or not have your core tight enough to begin with - it may sound contradictory, but whatever you are making needs to ‘feel right’ and be appropriate. You can also felt gently or just felt the surface of something so you can sculpt into it later. Try not to give up, the character will eventually pop out and don’t be afraid to undo - if necessary, pull the ears or face off and have another go!

5. What is the one thing a beginner could learn today that would make a difference to their work?

To relax into the craft and find their own happy - don’t try to emulate someone else’s style, let your own style develop

About Me:
The best place for people to connect with me and see my work:
https://www.instagram.com/furziefelters/ - photos of student’s work

You can find previous Q & A here

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